Standards in use by the Council
As the regulatory organisation for midwives in Cambodia CMC is responsiblefor improving standards of midwifery care in order to serve, protect and raisethe profession in the eyes of the public.
CMC uses the following standards:
1. Royal Decree on Establishment of Cambodian Midwives Council click on open - save
2. Sub Decree No 24 ANK.BK on ’The Code of Ethics for Midwives’ click on open - save
3. Midwives Handbook clink on open - save
4. Prakas on ’The Core Competency Framework for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’ click on open - save
5. Procedure for Entitlement to register for Foreign Midwives click on open - save
6. ’Standard for Re registration and the Requirements for Continuing Professional Development for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’
click on open - save
7. ’Guideline for Re registration and the Requirements for Continuing Professional Development for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’
8. Guidelines for Contiuing Professional Development for Midwives open