are the Midwifery regulator for Cambodia, Our role is to protect and
safeguard the public through the setting and monitoring of professional
midwifery standards. Find out more about who we are and what we do by
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[Latest news!] 2018
Workshop on Reistrant Managment System, Battambang province
On 23 March 2018
On 23 March 2018 at Battambang province
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted
a dissemination workshop on enactment of online registration by
using new Registration Form, new Registrant Management System, and
activities for implementation 2018 for regional2 (Battambang) at KHEMARA 1 HOTEL, Battambang.
Workshop on Reistrant Managment System, Kampong Cham province
On 16 March 2018
On 16 March 2018 at Kampong Cham
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted
a dissemination workshop on enactment of online registration by using new Registration Form, new Registrant Management System, and activities for implementation 2018 for regional 4 and 5 (Stung Treng / Kampong Cham) at Phnom Pros Hotel, Kampong Cham .
Workshop on Reistrant Managment System, Kampot province
On 09 March 2018
On 09 March 2018 at Kampot province
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted
a dissemination workshop on enactment of online registration by using new Registration Form, new Registrant Management System, and activities for implementation 2018 for regional 3 (Kampot) .
Workshop on Reistrant Managment System, Phnom Penh
On 29 February 2018
On 29 February 2018 at the Ministry of Health
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted
a dissemination workshop on enactment of online registration by using new Registration Form, new Registrant Management System, and activities for implementation 2018 for regional 1 (Phnom Penh / Kandal) .2017
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Takeo province
December 21, 2017
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Takeo was held on 21 December 2017 under presidency of H.E Thea Kruy Secretary of States, the Ministry of Health and around 200midwives participated. The purposes of the training are to:
• Disseminate the importance of “Continue Professional Development”.
• Disseminate the Conditions and Standard for Re-license.
• Share new knowledge and experience throughout Presentations.
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Kampot province
December 15, 2017
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Kampong Cham was held on 15 December 2017 under presidency of H.E Thea Kruy Secretary of States, the Ministry of Health and around 350 midwives participated. The purposes of the training are to:
• Disseminate the importance of “Continue Professional Development”.
• Disseminate the Conditions and Standard for Re-license.
• Share new knowledge and experience throughout Presentations.
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted Annual Seminar on 07 November 2017 at Koh Kong PHD
November 07, 2017
Cambodia Midwives Council hosted Annual Seminar on 07 November 2017 at Koh Kong PHD . All members of CMC from around the country have attended and illustrated their annual budget plan and achievement.
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Kampot province
October 31, 2017
Continuing Professional Development Day of midwife for the first time at Kampot was held on 31October 2017 under presidency of H.E Thea Kruy Secretary of States, the Ministry of Health and around 200midwives participated. The purposes of the training areto:
• Disseminate the importance of “ContinueProfessional Development”.
• Disseminate the Conditions and Standard forRe-license.
• Share new knowledge and experience throughoutPresentations.
Continuing Professional Development Day of Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital’s midwife
September 28, 2017
Continuing Professional Development Day of Khmer-Soviet FriendshipHospital’s midwife was held on 28 September 2017 under Dr. Lim Taing deputy director of Khmer-SovietFriendship hospital and around 60 midwives from Technical School of MedicalCare and Khmer Soviet Friendship hospital participated.
The purposes of the training areto:
• Disseminate the importance of “ContinueProfessional Development”.
• Disseminate the Conditions and Standard forRe-license.
• Share new knowledge and experience throughoutPresentations.
Welcome to the Cambodian Midwives Council Website
CMC hosted a dissemination workshop on CMC’s Register to Public &private midwives and midwives’ employers on 31 August 2017 at Dara Reang SeyHotel in Siem Reap Province, which participated by over 130 people, fromvarious institutions such as Midwives from CMC , RMC , PMC Member,BattambangProvincial Health Department , Health Developing Partners, Midwive s fromPrivate Health Clinics and Public , Midwive from Kuntha Bopha Hospital . Theevent aimed at raising awareness on CMC’s responsibility on registration ,Licensing and re-licensing including Continuing Professional Development (CPD)to all participants so that they will inform their midwives to register. Theworkshop was presided over by Dr Kros Sarath Director P H D Siem Reap and MrsHem Navy , President of Cambodia Midwive Councils . Mrs Tha Chanthou VicePresident of CMC and Ms Ban Borey Diputy Secretery CMC , Mrs Ma Setha Chief ofRMC 2 ( Battambang ) , Mrs Ear Sam At Chief of PMC Siem Reap As a consequenceof this, the attendees were briefed on the policy on entitlement to register .Licensing . Re-Licensing ,CPD Guideline, and Code of Ethics for Midwives andfollowed by the questions and answers during the ceremony.
Workshop on CMC’s Register to Public & private midwives and midwives’ employers
23 June 2017
CMC hosted a dissemination workshop on CMC’s Register to Public & private midwives and midwives’ employers on 23 June 2017 at Khemra Hotel in Battambang Province, which participated by over 150 people, from various institutions such as Midwives from CMC , RMC , PMC Member,Battambang Provincial Health Department , Health Developing Partners, Private Health Clinics and Midwives students from RTC Battambang . The event aimed at raising awareness on CMC’s responsibility on registration , Licensing and re-licensing including Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to all participants so that they will inform their midwives to register. The workshop was presided over by Dr Sou Sanith Deputy P H D Battambang and Mrs Hem Navy , President of Cambodia Midwive Councils and Ms Ban Borey Diputy Secretery CMC , Mrs Ma Setha Chief of RMC 2 ( Battambang ) , Mrs Riem Phallyka Chief of PMC Battambang As a consequence of this, the attendees were briefed on the policy on entitlement to register . Licensing . Re-Licensing ,CPD Guideline, and Code of Ethics for Midwives and followed by the questions and answers during the ceremony.
Review guidelines meeting for midwives managed by Cambodian Midwives Council
20 June 2017
Review guidelines meeting for midwives managed by Cambodian Midwives Council at Tonle Bassac Restaurant I on 20th June 2017, participated by members from national Cambodian midwives council, representatives of Cambodian Midwives Association, Municipal Midwives Council , Calmette Hospital Midwives Council, Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital Midwives Council, NMCH Midwives council, midwives from public and private schools and midwives from NGO . The whole meeting aims to strengthen the standards for Re-licensing including requirement for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for midwives in practical area in Cambodia in order to provide qualified care to mothers and babies.
Orientation workshop on New Law and Regulations for health practitioners and Registration/Licensing garment factories and private providers
11 May 2017
Orientation workshop on New Law and Regulations for health practitioners and Registration/Licensing garment factories and private providers under presidency of H.E Thea Kruy and participated by representatives from Ministry of Health, presidents of Cambodian Midwifery Council,the Cambodia Council of nurses and the Medical Council and manufacturer’s representatives.
The overall objectives are to share new law and regulations to understand the requirements of registration and licensing as set by the approved law and informing them of the process to register.
The National Day of the Midwife 2017
4 May 2017
The National Day of the Midwife was celebrated on 4 May 2017 under the theme of ‘Midwives Mother and family together for safe delivery ’. The purpose of the Day are to: 1) Inform everyone with an interest in health and justice that midwives are crucial to reducing maternal and neonatal mortality, 2) Celebrate the achievements of midwives and the progress made in improving maternal and neonatal care and midwifery services.3)Share experience between midwives 4)Demonstrate Sustainable Development Goal.
In this occasion, Mrs. Hem Navy, the President of Cambodian Midwives Council, made a presentation titled ‘Re-registration and terms and condition for Continuing Professional Development’ which is the essential message to
The Election of the Preah Kossamac Hospital Midwives Council Office members
2 August 2016
Mrs. Hem Navy, President of Cambodian Midwives Council, attended the election of the Preah Kossamac Hospital Midwives Council Office members which is the last hospital to establish the Midwives Council office members comprised of 30 midwives staffs on 2 August 2016,. Below is the result of the elected members of the Midwives Council Office at this hospital:
1. Ms. Por Poy President
2. Ms. Sea Leangseng Vice President
3. Ms. Than Thary Secretary General
4. Ms. Ear Sreyny Financier
5. Ms. Khan Sotheary Member
6. Ms. Sinha Kunthy Member
7. Ms. Keo Kannitha Member
8. Ms. Khiev Khunarom Member
9. Ms. Leng Khunna Member
Celebration of the National Day of the Midwife
4 May 2016
The International Day of Midwife is celebrated on 5 May. In Cambodia, thisyear the National Day of the Midwife was celebrated on 4 May which presidedover by the Minister of Health with a representative of over 200 midwivesacross the country under the theme of ‘Women and Newborns: The Heart ofMidwifery’. The purpose of the Day are to: 1) Inform everyone with an interestin health and justice that midwives are crucial to reducing maternal and neonatalmortality, 2) Celebrate the achievements of midwives and the progress made inimproving maternal and neonatal care and midwifery services, 3) Motivatepolicymakers and decision makers to implement change by lobbying for adequatemidwifery resources and recognition of the unique professional role ofmidwives. Mrs. Hem Navy, the President of Cambodian Midwives Council, made a presentationtitled ‘Regulating Midwives to ensure women and newborns receive the quality care’.The key message was to 1) inform about the importance of midwifery regulationto all midwives and the public, 2) the different roles of the MidwivesAssociation and the Midwives Council, 3) How the Council’s professional codeand standard for midwifery practice contribute to quality care?.
Final Consultative Workshop on CMC Strategic Plan 2016-2020
29-30 March 2016
Under technical assistance from UNFPA, CMC have developed new strategic plan 2016-2020 supported by UNFPA consultant. The final consultative workshop was held on 29-30 March 2016 participated by around 40 representatives from Hospital Service Department, Human Resources Development Department, National Maternal and Child Health Centre, University of Health Science, Cambodian Midwives Association, Health NGOs and Health Developing Partners at Kompong Chhnang Referral Hospital in Kompong Chhnang Province.
Annual General Meeting
16 November 15
Annual General Meeting was organized on 16 November 2015 in Kg Speu province participated by National Midwives Council office members, Regional Midwives Council office members, 3 National Hospital based Midwives Council office members. As the result, AGM achieved its expected outcomes including addressing challenges from the regional and provincial midwives council office, agreed on financial policy, updated on the Health Professional Councils Strategic Plan2015-2020, Updated on the Continuing Professional Development and Electronic Registration Database, and elected the new National Midwives Council office members.
CMC Strategic Plan 2016-2020
12 November 15
Under technical assistance from UNFPA, CMC have developed new strategic plan2016-2020 supported by UNFPA consultant. The consultative workshop was held on12 November 2015 presided over by Prof. Koum Kanal and Prof. Keat Phuong,Director of Human Resources Development Department and participated by around50 representatives from relevant departments of the Ministry of Health,University of Health Science, Cambodian Midwives Council, Cambodian Midwives Association, Health NGOs and Health Developing Partners at Phnom Penh Hotel.
Refresher Training on dealing with complaint about midwives
6 November 2015
With financial assistance from UNFPA, refresher training on dealing with complaint about midwives was held on 6 November 2015participated by 5 Regional Midwives Council members and National Midwives Council Office members in Takeo province. The participants gained knowledge on dealing with complaint through asking questions directly to the people who shared their experience about their strategy in accordance with the procedure,and watched video recorded from the last training in 2014 including i)investigation process, ii) reconciliation process, and iii) disciplinary hearing and making committee’s decision.
The Election of NMCHC Midwives Council Office Members
29 Dec 2015
Up to 29 Dec 2015, there are 24 Provincial Midwives Council and 2 hospital offices have been elected for the 2nd mandate such as: Kompong Speu, Kompot, Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Pailin, Battambang, Takeo, Preah Vihear, Ratanakiri, Stung Treng, Kandal, Kompong Cham, Kep, Mondulkiri, Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk, Siem Reap, Oddor Meanchey, Kratie, Kompong Thom, Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, Banteay Meanchey, Koh Kong, Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital, and National Maternal and Child Health Centre.
The Election of Battambang Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
17 June 2015
The new Battambang Provincial Midwives Council Office members were elected on 17 June 2015 as below:
1. Ms. Ream Phallyka President
2. Ms. Hong Phany Vice President
3. Ms. Hor Sunthary Secretary General
4. Ms. Maol Meaklika Financier
5. Ms. Mak Mach Member
6. Ms. Nouk Chanpheakdey Member
7. Ms. Ao Sokunthey Member
8. Ms. Yin Hy Member
9. Ms. Iv Sophary Member
10. Ms. Sann Vanny Member
11. Ms. Ouk Sithav Member
The Election of Pailin Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
16 June 2015
The new Pailin Provincial Midwives Council Office members were elected on 16 June 2015 as below:
1. Ms. Leang Ladath President
2. Ms. Prak Sokhon Vice President
3. Ms. Nos Da Secretary General
4. Ms. Duch Sameoun Financier
5. Ms. Leuo Pirun Member
6. Ms. Suos Sokea Member
7. Ms. Keang Linkea Member
8. Ms. Keu Sophea Member
9. Ms.Kim Phally Member
Launch of Health Profession Councils’ National Strategic Plan 2015-2020
8 June 2015
Cambodian Midwives Council co-organized the launch of Health Profession Councils’ National Strategic Plan 2015-2020 with Medical Council of Cambodia, Dental Council of Cambodia, Cambodia Council of Nurses, and Pharmacy Council of Cambodia under technical and financial assistance of USAID ASSIST PROJECT on 8 June 2015 at Intercontinental Hotel. The launch was presided over by His Excellency Minister of Health, Deputy Mission Director USAID Cambodia and attended by over 250 participants represented all Provincial Health Department, and 5 Health Profession Councils President from the provinces.
The Election of Prey Veng Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
5 June 2015
The new Prey Veng Provincial Midwives Council Office members were elected on 5 June 2015 as below:
1. Ms. Samrith Sotheavy President
2. Ms. Pich Yean Vice President
3. Ms. Pov Sothea Secretary General
4. Ms. Ouk Maly Financier
5. Ms. Seng Sarann Member
6. Ms. Chan Sophal Member
7. Ms. Thoa Sokheang Member
8. Ms. Khean Yoan Member
9. Ms. Than Sarina Member
10. Ms. Eang Neang Member
11. Ms. Tong Vannya Member
The Election of Svay Rieng Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
4 June 2015
The new Svay Rieng Provincial Midwives Council Office members were elected on 4 June 2015 as below:
1. Ms. You Pheach President
2. Ms. Chea Sorachana Vice President
3. Ms. Ou Raby Secretary General
4. Ms. Kong Bunna Financier
5. Ms. Touch Phana Member
6. Ms. Hok Meoun Member
7. Ms. Sok Sothary Member
8. Ms. Sao Sina Member
9. Ms. Teav Sareth Member
10. Ms. Sambath Sophea Member
11. Ms. Mao Chenda Member
The Election of Kompot Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
27 May 2015
The new Kompot Provincial Midwives Council Office members were elected on 27 May 2015 as below:
1. Ms. Nguon Sothea President
2. Ms. Sou Phea Vice President
3. Ms. Mao Bunny Secretary General
4. Ms. Chiv Chentha Financier
5. Ms. Kao Dany Member
6. Ms. Men Srim Member
7. Ms. Ouk Kimly Member
8. Ms. Neak Chantha Member
9. Ms. Prak Chanmoly Member
10. Ms. Huon Navy Member
11. Ms. Hul Sopheary Member
The Election of Kompong Speu Provincial Midwives Council Office Members
25 May 2015
According to the article 10 of the Royal Decree on Establishment of Cambodian Midwives Council, the Provincial Midwives Council (PMC) office member shall be re-elected every 6 years after the nomination of the PMC in 2009. Therefore, 2015 is the year for re-election. The new Kg Speu Provincial Miwdives Council Office members were elected on 25 May 2015 as below:
1. Ms. Ouk Samean President
2. Ms. Se Sokhan Vice President
3. Ms. Hang Phally Secretary General
4. Ms. Chon Rasy Financier
5. Ms. Mey Sokun Member
6. Ms. Heng Sokly Member
7. Ms. Sok Sopheap Member
8. Ms. Heng Thana Member
9. Ms. Nuon Soklav Member
10. Ms. Huot Phally Member
11. Ms. Ek Vannak Member2014
Annual General Meeting 2014
26 November 2014
Cambodian Midwives Council hold 5th Annual General Meeting on 26 November 2014 in Kompot Province presided over by Madame Ing Rada, President, CMC, participated by 49 participants serving as the Executive Member, President of Regional and Provincial Midwives Council, representative from Ministry of Labor with aim to share information on progress and achievement made by National Midwives Council, Regional Midwives Council, and Provincial Midwives Council in 2014, plan 2015 of the National Midwives Council, discuss challenges and find solution, update participant on Entitlement to registration, Guideline for CPD, and Website & Database. As the result, the registration of midwives has been increased from 4,110 in 2013 to 4,584 in 2014. The total number of midwives updated by the Personnel Department increased from 5,142 in 2013 to 5,407 in 2014. The plan 2015 will be to improve quality of pre-service midwifery education through implementing the Framework and setting standard for midwifery teacher and standard for midwifery education, register midwives into database, deal with compliant and disciplinary about midwives, and develop new strategic plan 2016-2020.
Launching Ceremony of Prakas on Core Competency Framework for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia
21 November 2014
Cambodian Midwives Council (CMC) organized launching ceremony of Prakas on Core Competency Framework for Midwives on 21 November 2014 at Sunway Hotel presided over by H.E. Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health and Dr. Marc Derveeuw, Representative UNFPA Cambodia participated by 83 participants from the Ministry of Health, public and private midwifery institutions, health NGOs, health developing partners and midwifery students with aim at disseminating this Framework to be used for improving midwifery pre-service education quality. According to the Article 4 of the Prakas, Core Competency Framework shall be used for improving curriculum, development of exam protocol or as a reference for improving professional midwifery quality. CMC has also developed an Assessment Tool for Competency-Based Curricula, which will be used for assessing and revising the current curricula to meet these required minimum standards.
Third (final) Training on Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about midwives
15-17 September 2014
The 3rd (final) training was conducted with UNFPA’s financial and technical assistance by providing national consultant as lawyer from 15-17 September 2014 for 18 officials from Regional Midwives Council (RMC) 2-3 (Kompot & Battambang) held at Pursat Referral Hospital in Pursat province. The purpose of the training is to provide members with knowledge and skill on how to deal with complaint about midwives. As the result, the participants deepen their knowledge on the Guidance and Procedure and understand how to use and write a form of complaint, investigate compliant and identify conflict issue, provide reconciliation for complainant and midwife, conduct hearings, and write decision and report. In addition, the participants understand information about midwife, the public, employer of midwife, and witness. However, the officials need more training and coaching during their practice because it is their first time to receive training on how to deal with complaint and it require officials to have a high capacity and flexibility. The RMC may be facing shortage of budget for dealing with complaint especially investigation due to its small membership fees.
The Phase 3 (final) Training on Electronic Registration Database (ERD)
13-14 September 2014
The Phase 3 (final) training on how to register midwives through electronic was conducted on 13-14 September 2014 at National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) with financial support from World Health Organization (WHO) Cambodia. 32 Officers from eleven Provincial Midwives Councils and Phnom Penh municipality and four hospital branches namely Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kompong Speu, Banteay Meanchey, Koh Kong, Ratanakiri, Tboung Khmom, Kep, Preah Sihanouk, Preah Vihear, Kompong Thom, Preah Kosomak Hospital, National Maternal and Child Health Centre, Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, and Calmet Hospital of which 2 midwives were selected from each province. After the training, officials who received training is responsible for entering data of their registered midwives into database by using their own laptop/computer while is waiting for provision of laptop from the National Midwives Council(NMC). NMC is currently seeking fund for procurement of 29 laptops/computers for 25 provinces and 4 branches hospital which costs around 15,000 USD. The challenging is that most of the officials do not have own laptop/computer.
Second Training on Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about midwives
27-29 August 2014
The second training was conducted with UNFPA’s financial and technical assistance by providing national consultant as lawyer from 27-29 August 2014 for 18 members from Regional Midwives Council (RMC) 4-5 (Kompong Cham & Stung Treng) held at Phnom Pros Hotel in Kompong Cham Province. The purpose of the training is to provide members with knowledge and skill on how to deal with complaint about midwives. As the result, the participants deepen their knowledge on the Guidance and Procedure and understand how to use and write a form of complaint, investigate compliant and identify conflict issue, provide reconciliation for complainant and midwife, conduct hearings, and write decision and report. In addition, the participants understand information about midwife, the public, employer of midwife, and witness. The third training will be held from 15-17 September 2014 in Pursat Province which will be participated by RMC 2-3 (Battambang & Kompot).
Official Nomination of the New Tboung Khmum Provincial Midwives Council Members
26 August 2014
The official nomination of the 9 members for the new Tboung Khmum Provincial Midwives Council was held on 26 August 2014 at Tboung Khmum Provincial Health Department with participation of Director of Tboung Khmum Provincial Health Department, Operational District Directors, Midwives, and the President of CMC. Ms. Seng Soknea was nominated as the President. The Provincial Health Department comprises of 5 Operational Districts namely Tboung Khmum, Oraing Ov, Krouch Chhmar, Ponhea Krek, and Memot. This new province was divided from Kompong Cham Province in 2013.
The Phase 2 Training on Electronic Registration Database (ERD)
23-24 August 2014
The Phase 2 training on how to register midwives through electronic was conducted on 23-24 August 2014 at National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) with financial support from World Health Organization (WHO) Cambodia. 22 Officers from Eleven Provincial Midwives Councils namely Odor Meanchey, Pursat, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Pailin, Svay Rieng, Kompot, Kandal, Kompong Chhnang, Stung Treng and Takeo of which 2 midwives were selected from each province. The Phase 3 will be conducted on 13-14 September 2014 with financial assistance from WHO Cambodia. 26 Officers from 10 Provincial Midwives Council and 3 Hospital branches will be invited to the training.
First Training on Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about midwives
13-15 August 2014
After the approval of Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about midwives on 1 August 2014 by eminent officials of the Ministry of Health, first training was conducted with UNFPA’s financial and technical assistance by providing national consultant as lawyer from 13-15 August 2014 for 9 members from Regional Midwives Council (RMC) 1 (Phnom Penh) and 7 Executive Members was held in National Pediatric Hospital. The purpose of the training is to provide members with knowledge and skill on how to deal with complaint about midwives. As the result, the participants deepen their knowledge on the Guidance and Procedure and understand how to use and write a form of complaint, investigate compliant and identify conflict issue, provide reconciliation for complainant and midwife, conduct hearings, and write decision and report. In addition, the participants understand information about midwife, the public, employer of midwife, and witness. The second training will be held from 27-29 August 2014 in Kompong Cham Province which will be participated by RMC 4 (Stung Treng) and RMC 5 (Kompong Cham).
The Second Consultative Meeting on Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about Midwives
1 August 2014
The Second Consultative Meeting was organized by Cambodian Midwives Council on 1 August 2014 presided over by H.E. Prof. Thir Kruy and H.E. Prof. Tann Vouch Chheng, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health which participated by representative from Medical Council of Cambodia, Dental Council of Cambodia, Cambodian Midwives Association, Cambodian Nursing Association and Legal Consultant funded by UNFPA to continue to discuss and endorse an article 39 to 61 of the Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about Midwives. As the result, the meeting agreed on the articles. The next step, the Legal Consultant will start training this Guidance and Procedure for National Midwives Council and Five (5) Regional Midwives Councils.
The First Consultative Meeting on Guidance and Procedure for Dealing with Complaint about Midwives
14 July 2014
The regulation of health professions promotes safe practices. Evidence shows that in case of regulating and setting standard for midwifery, we witness direct reduction in maternal mortality and morbidity. It is every midwife’s professional and ethical responsibility to ensure that they not only have the necessary clinical knowledge and skills but also apply professional ethical principle with their women. The legal and administrative framework required for monitoring and improving the professionalism of midwives in Cambodia is dependent upon the Regional Midwives Councils [RMC] ability to receive and investigate complaints relating to the performance and behaviour of midwives and deal effectively with disciplinary issues when there are breaches of the CMC’s standards of good practice. VSO advisor [Dr. Kathryn Hinchliff] to CMC has produced a suite of draft complaints and disciplinary procedure, guideline and information documents. These documents have been developed in consultation with RMC members, relevant departments, the Councils of other health professions as well as health developing partners but not been vetted by anyone with an in depth knowledge of Cambodia’s legal system. In May 2014, CMC received technical assistance from UNFPA Cambodia to amend the complaint and disciplinary procedure and information document. On 14 July 2014, these documents have been reviewed and endorsed through consultation meeting with eminent officials and chaired by H.E. Prof. Thir Kruy and H.E. Prof. Tann Vouch Chheng, Secretary of State, Ministry of Helath. As the result, 38 articles were agreed out of 61. The next meeting will be held soon to endorse the rest articles.
The Phase 1 Training on Electronic Registration Database (ERD)
5-6 July 2014
CMC’s newly developed Electronic Registration Database (ERD) under technical assistance from URC Cambodia will replace the old Excel-based Registration system which allows a limited amount of information on midwives to be entered, is slow and is not amendable to effective searches. The new ERD will allow the entry of extensive professional data on every midwife which allow the CMC to continually assess that a midwife is professionally competent to practice. The training on how to use ERD to all Provincial Midwives Council officers was conducted into three phases: Phase 1 was conducted on 5-6 July 2014 with financial support from VSO. Eight Officers from Four Provincial Midwives Councils namely Kompong Cham, Battambang, Kompot and Prey Veng were selected for the training which two from each province. The Phase 2 will be conducted on 23-24 August 2014 with financial assistance from WHO Cambodia. 22 Officers from 11 Provincial Midwives Council will be invited to the training.
International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) 30th Triennail Congress in Prague, Czech Republic
1-5 June 2014
With financial support from World Health Organization (WHO), Mrs. Ing Rada, President Cambodian Midwives Council, presented role of the Council in implementing a code of ethics for midwives to protect women and their new-born’s health and safety in Cambodia at the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) 30th Triennail Congress in Prague, Czech Republic from 1-5 June 2014 focused on i) the positive result of the survey in Kompong Chhnange Referral Hospital after disseminating the Code to midwives in the province, ii) how the council disseminate the code to midwives, iii) Cambodian reaching MDG5, and iv) recent acceptance of the Resolve Award by the RGC. The participant appreciated the achievement made by the RGC, Ministry of Health including CMC.
The Congress themes: i) Bridging midwifery and women’s health rights, ii) Access: bridging the gap to improving care and outcomes for women and their families, iii) Education: The bridge to midwifery and women’s autonomy, and iv) Midwifery: bridging culture and practice. The congress was attended by over 3,800 participants; most of them are midwives, from 126 countries around the globe.
National Day of the Midwife
9 May 2014
Mrs. Ing Rada presented Standard for Re-registration including Requirement for Continuing Professional Development [CPD] for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia in the National Day of the Midwife held on 9 May 2014 at Intercontinental Hotel. CPD helps midwives to demonstrate to their women and colleagues that they are keeping up to date with professional practice and are able to think and reflect on what knowledge and skills they need to improve. The theme of the Day is ‘The World Needs Midwives More Than Ever’ which presided over by H.E. Tan Vuoch Chheng, Secretary of State,Ministry of Health and participated by over 350 midwives throughout the country.
'Core Competency Framework for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’ Is Approved by the Minister of Health
6 December 2013
On Monday the 23rd of September 2013 the core competency framework steering committee gave it’s approval for the ’Core Competency Framework for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’ document and officially approved by the Minister of Health on 6 December 2013.
Work on defining the core competencies that all midwives need to have in the future started in 2010 with CMC facilitating a diverse technical working group comprising senior midwives, doctors, managers, representatives from the Ministry of Health, health NGO’s (national and international) and representatives from the regional and national education and training institutions from both the public and private sectors.
Their work was overseen by a high level steering committee chaired by Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State for Health, In his closing remarks of the final steering committee meeting he commended the work of all those involved especially the CMC who has lead the work from the begining and is the first Council to develop competencies based on international standards.
The core competencies in the document refers to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required of every midwife in Cambodia throughout their careers and will be essential to the development of future midwifery curricula and national exit examinations.
’The Core Competency Framework for Midwives in the Kingdom of Cambodia’ can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here open - save.
A Code of Ethics for Midwives in Cambodia
Dissemination of the ’Code of Ethics for Midwives’ workshop success in Battambang Region
On the 5th of September 2013 approximately 120 midwives from 5 provinces; Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Oudor MeancheyPursat, and Pailin attended a workshop hosted by CMC about the importance of the Sub Decree ’ A Code of Ethics for Midwives’
The workshop was attended by the Deputy Director of Battambang Provincial Health Department (PHD), In her opening remarks Dr Ou Vannda expressed her gratitude to all participants for attending and emphasised the following points; The important role of midwives in improving maternal and infant health; The importance of registration for all midwives to be legal practitioners and abide by the code of ethics; Midwives have to promote births in health facilities rather than at home and she would like to see more midwives should aspire to becoming Health Centre Chief’s in the future.
Midwives showed a great interest and participated well in all the planned activities of the workshop, participants asked many pertinent and intelligent questions of the ’expert panel’ about regulation and the code of ethics and each received a copy of the Midwives Handbook. There was a quiz on the code and all the participants performed well.
Dissemination of the ’Code of Ethics for Midwives’ workshops success in Kompong Cham and Kompot Regions
A one-day Workshop, with close to 110 Midwives for each attending, was held in Provincial Referral Hospital, Kampong Cham on the 5thDecember and Kompot on 17th December. These were the fourth and fifth Workshops on the Code of Ethics that are being held to ensure that the Workshop Participants understand a) the individual Articles and sub-Articles of the Code as well b) the basic purpose of the Code of Ethics - which is to ensure that the delivery of services and the conduct of registered midwives are carried out in an ethical and professional manner. The Sub-decree on the Code of Ethics was signed by the Prime Minister in January 2013.
Annual General Meeting
There was a very good turnout at the two day Annual General Meeting held in Takeo on 28-29 November at the Provincial Hospital conference centre. Delegates first heard a report from the President, Madame Ing Rada, on CMC’s activities and achievements over the past year. Members of the Executive and Representatives of RMC,s and PMC’s then reported back to the AGM on their accomplishments. This was followed by an information session on the recently approved Core Competencies Framework for Midwives (the Prakas on the Core Competency Framework for Midwives was signed off by Minister of Health in beginning of December 2013).
Two further presentations were made. The first: Entitlement to Registration stimulated a number of questions and considerable discussion, while in the second: Standard for Re-registration and Requirement for CPD for Midwives, Mme Phai Sidoeun explained why, as an essential requirement for re-registration, a midwife would not only have to document that she had delivered a minimum of 1500 hours in clinical practice but also demonstrate that she had completed at least 120 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) over the last three years.
With all the new procedures that the CMC has been developing recently it has become clear that Midwives need further information and clarification on the purpose and implementation of these documents. To meet this demand over the next year CMC will be developing and disseminating easy-to-understand summary documents on:(i) Core Competencies, (ii) the various Types of Registration and (iii) on Re-Registration requirements.